Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday May 26, 2011

Juneau May 26, 2011
It was another 4am day on the ms Zaandam. It is a big day and it’s only 2pm. I had gangway duty which means when the ship pulls into port, I greet the guests as they come down the walkway to answer questions and just wish them well. I met a very funny and nice security guard who took me for some Alaskan coffee.
Then at 10am there was a safety drill. You have to wear your life jacket and report to a lifeboat for a drill on what to do in case the boat sinks.
From 10.30 – 11.30 I met with my boss visiting from Seattle. Sarah Rose is a great young lady and she was just checking in on how I was doing after 4 days. She assured me that she expected me to be in overwhelm. That made me feel comfortable because I am FREAKING OUT. There is so much to learn and do and think and say. It’s like learning life all over again.
Today was the day I moved into the Travel Guide’s room. That meant packing up my original room, finding a cart to put everything on and then getting to my new room in a different part of the ship. Pushing and pulling a 150 pounds of stuff on a cart in elevators and through corridors to find Veranda 21 was no easy task while trying to smile at Guests and answer questions and I am starved because it’s lunch time. I get hungry here.
After FINALLY finding my room and getting all the bags in I had to unpack and get stuff organized. It’s a bigger room and the last Travel Guide left me his lamps, printer, big pillows and neat stuff around the room. It was so difficult finding the room that I am afraid to leave because I am afraid I won’t find it again.
Tonight I have desk duty from 5-7pm where I answer questions from Guests on questions I do not have answers to.
So, just when I thought I might get used to all of this, today happens.
More in a bit.
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