Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ketchikan May 27, 2011

Even though the days are long and full I still get up by 5am. And it is a RUN upstairs for a thermos of coffee, Eggs Benedict, breakfast meat and more.
This morning I hosted an Alaskan Trivia Contest in the Crow’s Nest lounge. That was fun. I had 5 teams of 4 people. Intimate and laughs.
After an hour of Gangway Greetings as we pulled in to Ketchikan on a cold and rainy day, I joined 2 very nice ladies for my first shore excursion. I can select any excursion I want but Jaye and Linda were going to an authentic Alaskan Indian Village followed by a Lumberjack show with 4 big burley guys cutting wood with axes and climbing trees and log rolling. It would have been more enjoyable if it were a nice day but it feels like a cold December day here in my Boynton Beach clothing. I really hit it off with Linda, and feel like we could be an item but she leaves the ship on Sunday morning. Here come the shipboard romance syndrome. We may meet for coffee after my live presentation and have dinner Saturday night. Then a whole new group of passengers come aboard and we start all over again.
My first week is coming to a close and it has been filled with emotion, wonder, FRIGHT and a huge learning curve. One minute I feel like I am getting used to life onboard and the very next moment I realize just how much I have to learn. I do feel like I am in the right place and can imagine 6 months here before getting a break. That’s too far away to fathom at this moment.
Tonight, I am running through my Presentation on the Alaskan GoldRush that I will do on stage at 2pm.
On Sunday the ship turns around with all new passengers and we reverse the same itinerary and head back to Seward, AK. Same schedule every week.
The staff continues to be warm and professional and I like it here a lot.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend.
More to come. Thanks for sharing this with me.
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