Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heading to Vancouver, BC May 28, 2011

Today is the last day of this cruise. It FLEW by. This morning was the crew farewell on stage. Hosted by the cruise director with hundreds of us introduced and on stage waving goodbye to the Guests while moving music was being performed live. It was very emotional.
At 2pm I delivered my 2nd presentation on the Alaskan Gold Rush to a small crowd. I have no problem speaking to the audience. It is challenging to me to read the script rather than adlib to 50 slides on the history of the founding of Alaska. My off the cuff remarks go well. I don’t like reading the script. I hope I can ad lib the presentation soon.
I met with the shore excursion manager for awhile and talked about the many airplane and helicopter rides over glaciers that I will be taking. I am expected to go on these excursions every day to learn about them in order to recommend them to Guests. What a job.
Coffee with one of the Guests (Linda, a lovely Japanese woman who I like very much). The desk duty in which I talk with people and make recommendations and answer questions. Just an hour. I run to the Lido restaurant and select entrée’s that are delicious like duck, NY Steak, veggies and flourless chocolate cake and coffee. All this while watching the snow capped mountains of Alaska slowly move by.
Tonight I walked around the ship and stopped in the Broadway show. They performed numbers from the 40’s and 50’s. I liked that very much. More walking around and had a Grand Marnier while listeing to a classical quartet perform in an intimate lounge. That was special. It is 10pm local time and I have a full day on Sunday welcoming a whole new group of passengers and getting them settled.
At times I am completely overwhelmed and at other times I feel like I am home and love it here.
I think of you all the time and wish I could share this with you face to face.
Happy Memorial Day.
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