Saturday, June 4, 2011

Almost 2 weeks in Alaska: June 3, 2011

Thank you for your email and Facebook posts. I read every one over and over again. I love hearing from you. They help with my feeling lonely and a bit isolated. I love my life on the ms Zaandam but I miss being able to make phone calls or spend much time on the Internet. I may not be able to respond to your email, but I read every one many times. Internet access is expensive so I have to get ON and OFF quickly.
The days are very long but even more exciting and fast paced. I often get up at 6am and go to sleep after midnight. There are no days off but I manage to have some alone time and rest (and even nap). The food is fantastic and there is a lot of it. It is quite a luxury to have hot, diverse meals whenever I want and enjoy limitless coffee.
These pictures were taken on a shore excursion to a real Alaskan Dog Sled Mush Camp high in the mountains. 18 specifically bred dogs pull the sled through the mountain top at a fast pace. The dogs are very gentle and cute. They are well taken care of… better than most people. They like what they do and it is very evident by their behavior. The puppy I am holding is 1 week old and is cute as a button.
Today, we sailed through Glacier Bay (my second time now). This is the most remarkable and breathtaking part of the Alaska cruise. Baby blue colored waters, mile high glaciers, bears, whales can be seen in pods from all windows on the ship, eagles soar before our very eyes and the sounds of the wilderness are mysterious and serene. I escorted 3 National Park Rangers from early this morning to late afternoon. They come aboard once each week to narrate the scenic cruising and to give live presentations. They arrive by a little boat that pulls up along side of the Zaandam while both are moving at a fast pace. I stand by on the bottom deck to witness this and I feel like I am on a TV documentary.
The second week is almost over and we will be saying goodbye to this week’s passengers and getting ready for a whole new shipload of Guests that will arrive on Sunday. There is a big production in the theater bringing all crew on stage for a final farewell and welcoming event. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. I love talking with everyone, making announcements from the Bridge of the ship and going to Piano Bars, line dancing parties (I don’t dance) and taking pictures of total strangers so that they can be in their own pictures instead of just taking pictures with no one in them.
I don’t know what I would do if I came home. What would I do to keep myself busy and occupied? Maybe after many months of this lifestyle I will need a break, but for now, I like this very much EXCEPT the isolation and missing you.
The ship is moving along and it is about 11pm (Alaska time, 4 hours behind Eastern time). Saturday, I have a live presentation, a live narration from the Bridge while we pass “College Fijord” and meeting even more Guests. They love to hear the story of how my son Lee encouraged me to get a job on a cruise line.
Enjoy your summer. It is summer here in Alaska, but it is cold and winter-like here. My uniform is still not here and I am wearing the same Florida clothes every day. I am looking forward to getting my uniform.
More later,
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