Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My favorite day of the cruise week, Glacier Bay 6/7/11



My favorite day of the cruise week, Glacier Bay 6/7/11
I love the day we are in Glacier Bay. It is the most majestic, gorgeous, breathtaking scenery that I ever imagined. My day started early this morning when I met 3 National Park Rangers and a native Alaskan on the bottom deck (Deck A). Their small speed boat pulls up to our huge cruise ship as we are both doing 10 knots (whatever that means). They climb up a small rope ladder with all their gear onto our ship. It looks like a scene out of The Discovery Channel. Mountains in the background, clear blue ocean water and a small crew of people helping them aboard. I am their escort for the whole day. Getting precious private moments with people that dedicate their lives to learning about Alaska and the wilderness and sharing it with people every day. They are warm, bright, smart, sharp people and I get to accompany them to the bridge to narrate the cruise through Glacier Bay, introduce them onstage, have lunch with them in the dining room, watch them interact with the guests, walk through private hallways and talk with the Captain. And then take them back to A-Deck as they climb back onto their speed boat at 7pm and turn off into the wind and speed back to the ranger station.
I just ate a lovely dinner of steak, seafood and veggies while watching the world go by. Now, I am sipping coffee in my bathrobe writing this to you.
I am falling in love very quickly with Alaska. Really, if I didn’t own my place in Florida, I might consider moving here. I love the lifestyle, people, culture, HISTORY and feel of Alaska. The rangers showed pictures during their talk of major cities in the U.S. vs. the wildlife, forests, landscape in Alaska and I kep thinking I would like to live here. Who knows, Maybe I will feel that way about other ports as well. But so far, this is my new favorite place. The picture on this blog entry is of me on the deck this morning in Glacier Bay. The sun was bright and strong and the wind was cool and refreshing at the same time. Untouched and gorgeous since it was discovered hundreds of years ago by great explorers who saw the beauty and importance of Alaska and were committed to keeping it this way forever. Alaska draws you IN and makes you want to stay. It touches the very core of you and your heart.
Tomorrow I will repel off the mountains in Haines, AK. In the woods, high up and scary. I am too tired right now to think about it. When I wake up I am sure I will be frightened to my bones. I am sure I will have some awesome pictures from that adventure. I have a hard time falling asleep after days like these. I am very WIRED and wish I had someone to talk with while having a cognac in the bar watching the sun set at midnight.
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