Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+, the new Facebook? Give it a try July 13, 2011

The hot new social networking site is Google+. It is similar to but different than Facebook. You build ‘circles’ of friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers etc. You share photos, status updates, video web chat, meet ups and ‘much more’. Of course, I had to try it out. If you would like an invite to Google+, send me an email ( and I will invite you to Google+ Then you can invite your network. Lee tells me that many people are moving from Facebook to Google+. I like the website and how it works.
Less than 2 weeks left in Alaska. I will miss it here very much. At the end of July I will return home to Florida for 1 month. Then I will join the ship in Boston and sail from Montreal to Boston for September and October. A whole new itinerary to learn, new friends to make and shore excursions to take.
Rather than go on a shore excursion today, I went to an Internet Café in Juneau and played on my Ipad. That was fun to just hang out. The café was packed with crew members on their laptops chatting, IM’ing, SKYPE’ing, Emailing, having coffee and sandwiches with a giant TV. I went with the Port Shopping Ambassador named Richard. He is a John Travolta look-a-like from England who starred in Grease and was a host on Home Shopping TV in London. Quite a talented young man with a great future ahead of him. After a few hours there I had pizza with our Party Planner named Paula. I finally feel like I have a small circle of friends and will miss them very much when I leave here.
The weather has been unusually gorgeous here. Very summer like with temps in the mid 70’s. Passengers are having a blast and are telling me all about their great times on whale watches, trips to glaciers, seeing bears and watching salmon swim upstream to spawn all over the place. Tomorrow, we are in Skagway, AK. A very picturesque gold rush town with little to do except shop. I have been on the shore excursions so I plan on finding another Internet Café and playing around with Google+. Again, if you want to get on the bandwagon, send me an email and I will send you an invite for this new social networking site. Google bombed with Wave and Buzz. Maybe this time they will have a great formula.
Looking forward to seeing you in Boston and Florida soon.
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