Friday, July 8, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau movie. July 7, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau with Matt Damon is a story of free will, destiny and the course our lives take as a result of many factors. Watch it if you have a chance. Tonight was my 3rd time seeing it in the movie theater on board. The backdrop is a love story. It really makes you take a look at decisions you made, why you did and what would have happened if you hadn’t. It’s a real brain teaser. I strolled from the theater to an outside deck with the sun still shining at 10pm and the gorgeous scenery outstretched in every direction. If it weren’t so cold outside I would have slept the night on one of the lounge chairs on deck 3. I miss talking with my friends so I sat down at my computer and decided to write this. The movie has me thinking about everything from my teenage obsession with Larry Glick and how that propelled me into a career in radio, to dreaming up the idea for the on-line radio dating show and years of singles dances and notoriety and money to gigantic personal choices that I regret and wish I could change. What would my life look like if I changed just one thing though? Now, I think of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (movie with Brad Pitt). Maybe it would be better to live your life backwards. Be old first and the grow young and die a baby
It isn’t easy getting your stuff off a ship. I decided to mail a few boxes of clothes back to Florida instead of schlepping them in suitcases in airports in 2 weeks (damn, I am coming home in a few weeks). I packed up a huge suitcase and tried to walk off the ship. NOPE. I had to schlep everything back to my room, get boxes and tape and then sit in front of a customs agent before I would schlep the boxes of the ship, down a few streets in Juneau and get to the post office. But at least they are mailed. I really didn’t want to jump on my suitcase and drag around a 100 pound rock through several airports.
I made my airline reservations to go to LA to be with Lee in August for a few days. I am so looking forward to being with Lee and being on ‘vacation’. I will want to keep busy and on the move when I am in between contracts. I feel like seeing my sisters during August too.
No shore excursions today. Customs, packing, lunch at the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau and playing with my Ipad at the Juneau Library was enough excitement for today combined with work. Tomorrow is Ketchikan and I plan on walking around this tiny gold mining town and talking in the sights. Just 2 more weeks and there won’t be enough time to count the CVS’s and Publix in one day in Boynton Beach. Just the thought of eating at Flakawitz Deli makes me want to climb under a rock.
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