Thursday, July 7, 2011

My most memorable kiss…from a moose. July 6, 2011


At 58 years old I thought I had experienced every type of kiss. There’s a romantic kiss, a baby’s kiss, a kiss from your aunt but a moose? This morning I visited the Kroschel Films Wildlife Center in Haines, AK. Google this place. Steve Kroschel is a famous producer of documentary films for Disney, Discovery Channel and independent films. His 60 acre park is home to 100 indigenous Alaskan animals including wolverines, grizzly bears, wolves, hawks, minks and a moose to name a few. The above picture was taken as I leaned in and kissed the moose after feeding him bananas. This was the best wildlife experience I ever had. Up close and personal with birds and animals. Steve has been described as a ‘dog whisperer’. He talks to the animals.
The last picture is of several crew members and me on an outing. These are really great people.
The other night was a blast. The night of July 4th was a “Black and White Officer’s Ball”. The Captain and top officers were introduced to the passengers at 11pm in the nightclub. At 10pm I found myself in the lounge with several crew members and the Captain of the ship. He and I enjoyed a few shots of scotch. The next thing I knew, I was wearing an officer’s uniform jacket with the stripes of the second in command of the ship. Gold bars on the applets and the whole enchilada. I marched in the the ball with the officers and danced with the passengers. The next morning I woke up with that jacket hanging on the back of my cabin door hoping that everyone had a good sense of humor and that they would find the previous evening funny. They did. We all had a great laugh.
As I have written before, I am thrilled to be going to another ship and working New England for the fall. I am also very sad to be leaving here. I am finally in a comfort zone. I have made friends and have good conversations with people that I know. In three weeks I will come home to Boynton Beach, see Lee in LA and make as many plans as I can to avoid being bored out of my mind.
Today was another 14 hour day. Time to watch TV. Juneau starts at 8am with gangway duty and the fun just keeps on coming.
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