Monday, January 16, 2012

It takes about a month

It takes about a month to get settled on board. Your first days are like jumping onto a moving treadmill at 100mph. Learning the ports, itinerary, get accustomed to the ship, making friends, unpacking and a zillion other things...large and small. Then preparing the port lectures on up to 10 different ports and delivering them to a live audience, on stage. It's like moving to another planet and having to learn how to get a car, insurance and licence. Even MORE than that.
So, here I am in the Eastern Caribbean. Every day is another paradise (for a few hours). The weather reminds me of S. Florida. in the High 70's, low 80's. Green, lush a gorgeous. It is different this time. Years ago when I visited the Caribbean it would be the dead of winter in Boston, escaping the cold snowy weather and head to the warm Caribbean. Coming from Florida, it is not THAT much of a change. But still warm and wonderful experience. I have just hit the 1 month mark of my 2 month contract. While I am supposed to leave on February 17th, I am hoping that they will extend my contract and keep me here until the end of the Caribbean season in late April. That would be ideal. After all, I am quite the expert on the ports and I go on shore excursions every day so that I can talk them up to the passengers. It makes sense to keep me on till the end of April. I will just be perfect when I am to leave in mid February. Keeep your fingers crossed, please.
My pants are tight and I am not happy at that I see in the mirror when my clothes are off. Too much good food with lots of desserts. They say a passenger gains 2 pounds every day they are on a cruise. What about crew?
I am very happy here and while I miss you and my coffee maker, I like life on baord the ship and the type of work I am doing. You may write to me if you like. Internet access is a little easier to get these days. I would love to hear from you. I check Facebook and see all the comments about how cold it is in Boston. I don't care to ever experience a winter back in Boston. Alaska, New England and now the Caribbean. Where to next? I can't wait to find out. Much love.
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