Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sail Away to week 4. Like the blink of an eye. June 12, 2011

Sail Away to week 4. Like the blink of an eye. June 12, 2011
I have had an extraordinary life. I don’t think I appreciated much of it, but I have. From radio to nightclubs to restaurants I have had the most wonderful experiences. Tonight we set sail from Vancouver, BC at 5pm. After schmoozing with passengers on an outside deck to a giant pool party BBQ poolside. Live ‘summer’ music played while kids jumped in the pools and adults sat around tables with long fluted glasses of beer and margaritas, steak, ribs, salmon, baked potatoes and grilled vegetables (just to name a few). The scenery is beautiful, the air is crisp and the Guests are settling in for their cruise of a lifetime. The questions are the same as last week and the week before. The faces look similar too. But, my emotions are rocking from side to side, much more intense than this big ship on the ocean. One moment I am homesick, the next I am elated, the next I am nervous, the next I feel like I belong here. In the end, it’s all great though. I have more regrets than I ever thought I would have. I am sorry I didn’t travel more than going to Disney World 50 times (even the boys were bored with Disney before I was). I never thought I would miss my parents as much as I do. I wish I played with Lee and Jordan more. I always thought I was making the right decisions in life and now I have doubts. They haunt me.
Tonight at 9.30 I will be on stage with 200 crew members all welcoming this week’s passengers with a music and light filled production. I often feel choked up when I am on stage for this and the going away party. I never felt as much a part of a big group before. I think of Lee asking me not long ago: “Dad, have you ever thought of working for a cruise line?” Realizing that I do now. What a dream come true.
I am able to answer Guests questions with a lot more knowledge and confidence after 3 weeks of going on shore excursions and soaking everything in. I don’t tell people that I am new. I just answer as if I have been here for a long time. Monday morning is my favorite presentation. I co-host the presentation with the shore excursion manager, Todd. He is a very nice man who has been helpful, friendly and kind. It’s kind of like a live TV show and I am the host. Then I will be a host in the fine dining room for singles and people traveling alone. That comes pretty easy to me. I have fun being the host of the table.
Getting a haircut on board was a trip. Instead of going to the salon and paying $40 for a haircut, I made arrangements to have a young Pilipino man cut my hair on a stool in the corner of a hallway on the bottom deck. He actually did a great job by any standards. $10 and he was happy. I felt like I was in a thriller movie on the high seas and that Sean Connery would come in any moment running after a spy.
I am thrilled to be here on the Zaandam. I just wish I had been more thrilled when I had other exciting times. I always wanted more and thought being there (at the time) was normal and natural. Maybe I am finally beginning to see how special life can be.
Have a great week.
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