Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

While I am thrilled to be traveling for Christmas and New Years Eve, I can't help but be nostalgic for the many years I spent with my family at the Lombardo's house for Chritmas Eve with over 100 friends and family. Laughter in every room, great food in every table and great conversation. I miss those days and the Lombardo family.We are putting on a Christmas eve show tonight at 11pm and singing the Chritmas songs has me very nostalgic for singing them with my extended family. I miss Sal and his hearty laugh, Vin with the kidding and fooling around, the kids squeeling in every room. I miss driving home with so many presents that they couldn't fit in my SUV. I miss you and the times we spent together.
At the moment we are 'at sea' heading from Nassau to San Juan. I went to a Zoo today in Nassau and toured a couple of forts. The weather was terrific but not as I remembered it. I always went to the Caribbean in the winter to escape the snow and cold from Boston. Now that I live in Florida, the weather was just about the same.
I like life at sea. It's LONG days and nights but the days ZIP by in a blur. Tomorrow I have 3 live presentations in 45 minutes. That is unnearving. Pretty soon my 9 weeks here will be complete and wondering where I will be off to next.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and may this next year be 50 times better than you have ever dreamt it could be. Lots of love.
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