Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 2 at sea,,,,

The ship is rocking gently side to side as we head to St. Croix. Tomorrow is a sea day which means it is a long day of lectures, desk hours and schmoozing. Yesterday I got on the Maasdam at 9am, had a brief orientation followed by hours of desk duty, presentations and more desk duty. I hadn’t had much to eat so by the end of the day I was a bit shaky and tense.
Today started at 8am after taking a tender boat to Half Moon Cay, Holland America’s private island to greet guests and send them on their way. Today’s excitement was horseback riding in the surf with about 30 other guests. I have not been on a horse for decades. It was not like getting on a bike. I was a little freaked out but the weather was exceptional, the island music was fun and the beach bbq was delicious.
Tomorrow I have a meeting at 8.45am and a live presentation at 10am on three different islands in the same 45 minute presentation. Here goes…. I am still practicing and hope it goes well.
Oh, this was funny… yesterday I met my next door neighbor. When he saw my nametag he said that there used to be a talk show host in Boston named Dick Syatt. When I told him that was me, he got a bit giddy and said that he used to listen all the time. His name is Barry and he is the Piano Bar entertainer.
So, it feels great to be on the ship again and I am meeting people all the time who are very nice. We compare each other’s contract length and how many ships we have been on. It’s a good icebreaker. I just felt like saying hello and showing you of today’s pictures.
Be well and know that I think of you a lot.
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